Our Philosophy

Children learn through experience and by actively working with a variety of materials. For this reason we believe children should be exposed to many different learning experiences and encouraged to explore those topics and skills in which they are most interested. The adult's role in this process is as a catalyst and facilitator.  Therefore, our curriculum is used to complement the natural curiosity and interest of each child.  

Each child's growth and development are unique. We take into account stages of child development as well as the natural variations in the rates that children move through these stages. We also treat cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development as interdependent and equally important.  

To achieve this, we create an environment where each child feels comfortable, loved, and safe, and so develops positive feelings of self worth. Over time children become more independent and learn to have consideration for others and an appreciation for the world around them.

The environments we create and the invitations we offer in the classroom honor where each child is at, their interests, and help to create a stimulating environment for all to explore. 

 We are inspired by the Reggio Emilia Philosophy, which values children as capable, strong, and rich with wonder and knowledge. In the Reggio philosophy it is believed that each child brings with them deep curiosity and potential, and this curiosity drives their interest to understand their world and their place. 

 Reggio classrooms are unique, and based upon the members of their individual community, so no two look alike. They are child centered, driven by children’s interests, collaborative, rich in materials and open-ended loose parts. In Reggio classrooms children and teachers are answering questions together…

 We are also inspired by the Constructivist Theory (developed by Piaget) which believes that children produce knowledge and form meaning based upon their experiences, they learn by doing. Constructivism is active learning, often collaborative, and hands on. 

 At our school this means we are listening to  children, discovering their interests, and providing classrooms that are rich with opportunity for exploration. 

We view children as:




Critical Thinkers

and Problem Solvers


Rose Creative Preschool 3918 NE Hancock St. Portland, OR 97212